How to Request a Home Visit




Please telephone the surgery before 11.00am if you want a visit that day. Usually the receptionist will take a message and pass it on to your usual doctor, who will then contact you by phone to discuss your needs.

We have adopted the following national guidelines for visiting patients which recommends a GP visit for:

  • The terminally ill
  • The truly bedbound patient for whom travel to premises would cause a deterioration in their medical condition or unacceptable discomfort.

image depicting Home Visits

And does not recommend a GP visit for:

  • Adults and children with common conditions who are usually well enough to travel to the surgery by car. Such conditions include: fever, cough, cold, flu, diarrhoea and vomiting, most cases of abdominal pain and back pain. Although you or your child may not be fit to travel by bus or to walk, car transport should be available from relatives, friends or taxi firms. It is not the doctor’s responsibility to arrange such transport
  • Common problems in the elderly which would be best treated by consultation at the surgery