Patient Participation Group




History of the Patient Group

The Patient Group was started in 2005 to meet and discuss the results of the annual patient questionnaire.

The surgery advertised and a random group of 7 patients were invited to become the first Patient Group. The group was a mixture of male and female with ages ranging from 28 to 77. They included a single mum, those with jobs, those retired and a disabled patient. They were all familiar with the surgery having been patients for some time. The group continued to meet to discuss and be involved in the surgery move to temporary accommodation.

Since that time the members of the group have changed as many have left and others have joined. A couple of times the group petered out and on one occasion was closed. Each time the group was re-launched. The type of patients have changed over the years and often was more heavily weighted towards the older patient members as these had more time or interest in being involved. The surgery remains committed in trying to encourage its younger patients to become more involved.

image of a PPG


Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Patient Group Do?

The Patient Group is a group of patients from Meridian Surgery who are happy to meet together at least four times a year on behalf of all the Meridian Surgery patients. They will look at patient issues both within the Surgery and in particular within the community and secondary care services to ensure patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services.

To summarise:

  • Develop a Patient Group
  • Agree areas of priority with the Group
  • Collate patient views through an annual survey
  • Discusses the survey findings
  • Agree an action plan
  • Monitor the subsequent achievement

How is the Patient Group Made Up?

The Patient Group aims to be made up of patients represented from all different age groups,
male and female and from different walks in life. Its aim is to be as representative as possible
of the practice population.

The members:

  • Chair - Chris Bowman
  • Vice Chair - Tim Sayers
  • Note Taker - David Seabrook

Currently we struggle to get younger patient members involved or though we do try and keep in contact with the local school and such clinics as the Travel Clinic, Nurses Evening Health Clinic and the Sexual Health Clinic in an attempt to reach our younger aged patients.


When does the Patient Group meet?

The Patient Group meets approximately every 2 months. Sometimes it has met for a coffee morning, sometimes for an evening event with a buffet meal and other times by Virtual or face to face contact. Please contact the PPG for meeting details.


How can you join the Patient Group?

The surgery regularly advertises for new members by posters and leaflets in the waiting room, in various places around the community and occasionally by advertisements in local newsletters.

You can also apply to volunteer for the patient group by filling out our secure online form.


Patient group terms of reference and Privacy Policy

To request a copy of our Patient Group Terms of Reference or our Privacy Policy, please contact us via our secure online form.